Sunday 18 March 2012


Start Of Double Page Spread

I have now finished both my front cover and my contents page so all i have left to do now is this my double page spread. I started by chooseing a photo i think would good taking over a whole page, i tryed a few but at the moment i think this one looks best. secondly i put the title in i have used the same font on the front page and the contents, i did this because its like her trade mark something that you can reconise its her throughout the magazine. I am still creating my magazine on iDesign as i think its the best program to do it on and which will produce the best results. In the past i have looked through music magazines, but mostly Q magazines and some of the articals in there was a bold like paragraph at the begging as a little introduction so i did that. there was also a drop captial, colloms to put the writing in, quotes, different coloured text boxes, question and aswers in bold and badge like text boxes so i think i will try so of them on my magaizne artical next.

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