Sunday 18 March 2012


Final Double Page Spread

This is my final double page music magazine spread. Firstly i chose this image because it had a nice about of space at the top for a title to fit in there so i have more room for the writing, i again used the the same font and i used the same colour too now as well so it all mached i wanted it all to look like it came from the same magazine because that is what makes it look very proffetioal. I put in two quotes one in orange the same colour as the writing under her name in the fron cover, and the other one i a bright pink so that it goes with her lip stick that she is wearing. I choose thses quote because they sounded good, and worked well on there own and they dont need the rest of the writing to make sence. I edited the photo a little bit on photo shop just to make it brighter and the colours more vibrant by increasing the contrast. At first i had the page with the writing on white but it didnt look like it fit and looked very odd and i needed it to work, i tried many different colours, but in the i went for the same coulor as the photo but even still this is was hard because the photo as a gradent in so the botom is lighter than the top, but i have kind of found it its not perfect but its look okay. Once i put all my writing in iit didnt all fit so  ihave to go through it and take parts aways that i didnt think i needed then i put it in the coloums, added the bold parts for the questions and added a drop cap. i chose the image because its fun and she look like she is enjoying her self and thats what i want to give off with my magazine. A page number was put in at the end, i chose the the black red and white colour sheame of the magagzine and the same font and style as the contents anf front page of the magaizne.

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