Tuesday 7 February 2012


Contents Page Finished

I have finished my contents page now on week four, this week i placed all the content of the contents page on there i i used 12 sections because i had more i though it looked too over crowded and messy and i didn't really want that look i wanted it clear and easy to read. then i put all the numbers beside it, and i like the idea where you can see a photo and if you like the look of it there is the page number on it so you can go straight to that page. so the numbers for the photos i did white a quite small as i do not want them to stand out as much as the other numbers that i decided to make bolder, i had them in black first then they didn't stand out enough so i went for red in the end because it was carrying on with the red black and white theme that i wanted to go through my magazine. i then was indecisive to make each alternative writing black and red, i asked my peers what they though look best and it was a group decision that just the red numbers looked better. though out the magazine i have used the same font and again to keep the same theme the fonts i used were news gothic mt, traveling typewriter, sathu, and then for the female artist thats stars all over the magazine i wanted her to have her own signature style that went with her personality so i used Apple Chancery

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