Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 7

Again the embeded code hasnt worked as here is the link as well

Evaluation: Question 7

Thursday 29 March 2012

Questionaire Market Research

This is the questionaire i made to give out to some of my target audience.

The results i got back were

These are just a few exaples of the questionaires i got...

Evauation: Question 6

Question 6: What have i learnt about technologies from the process of constructing a product?

Firstly for this question i have created a video that i have already blogged, this is is a breif out line of all the different types of technonloy i used. Secondly the video above it one of the first clips i wached about indesign this help me a lot just about the simple tools and the backround of indesign, and i would recomend anyone who hasnt used this program before to have a look.

Above is just a selection of programs that i have used to help me create the blog i have now. That have widen my knowledge of lots of technology's used at home and in the professional world of the magazine industry too. i have realised i didn't know much about all this and i didn't know about all the programs available. I don't often us apple mac expect when i go round my friend house this this was all new for me, but i like it its a new experience and i enjoined it and i think i would like to use this soft where again. Obviously i did have limited knowledge for example i already knew how to use photo shop as i do photography in college and i already knew from past experiences, word and excel i knew how to use as its quite basic programs. I knew what to do with you tube as well as i surf the net a lot, and its also something a lot of people know how to use these days.
Idesign i used this to layout my music magazine and college magazine too. I like this program for laying out photos and text, for me it took a while to get used to but its very similar to macro media fire work that i know how to use so i picked it up pretty quickly. you had to put everything on box's so that was normally the first things i did when creating the magazine layouts. then i just placed what i needed in there.a new website that i have never used before is prezi, unfortunately i could get the hang of it quickly enough for the time limit i had so i didn't use it for this project but i would like to use it for my next one as it seems like a good, different, and unique presenting soft where. I use flickr to present all my photos i took for my magazine as it just like a photo album and there all together which is very handy and useful. I have use slide share and slide rocket in my evaluation as i found they where the most easiest and reliable source of presenting PowerPoint there are also easy to read and they have embed well on this blog. i enjoyed using photo shop as like i said before i already knew what to do, i used the spot heal tool a lot on my model photos that i used on my music magazine this was because i knew they would look better as an end result and also for my research i knew that in the magazine industry they do that to to make there magazine look is good as they can possibly be. on my photos i also adjusted the brightness, contrast and shadows as this made them more brighter and vibrant which suits my magazine as its quite colourful. Scribd this i was a website that i used to upload documents, this was a nice and easy to use. i worked well with word documents, but when i tried to upload my excel spreed sheet it doesn't look good and its hard to understand, so i would use this again but only to upload word documents.

These photo are the before and after i edited them on photo shop.

Evaluation: Question 5

These are two videos that i have choosen because these are the type of artist, video and song that they would listen to.

Evaluation: Question 6

This is a video that i have filmed about all the technology that i have used in creating this blog.


Tuesday 27 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 5

I have been having trouble embeading this so her is the link to slide rocket question 5.

Evaluation: Question 4

This is carried on from the last blog past about evaluation question 4 who would be the audience for your media product? I have interviewed a male and female from my target audience.

Name: Emily White

Age: 16

What kind of music arte you in to?: Rock indie stuff

Where do you live? Leigh Park

Favourite band: You me at six

Favourite album: you me at six sinners never sleep and all time low nothing personal

Pin up: Jack Barakat or Josh Franshesci

Favourite clothing line: vans or probs criminal damage or just band tops

Favourite website: Twitter and tumblr ahah

Typical Outfit: legging or jeans probs, my red vans urm band top and hoodie

Hair style: Loving my bright red hair at the mo ahah and just straight or wavy and side fringe.

What do you study at college?: Sociology, Media, Business

Where do you hang out: friends houses mostly

Favourite instrument: electric guitar

Favourite colours: Red and blue and black

What magazines do you tend to read? Kerrang every week, subscribed! wooop! ahaha

Biggest music inspiration: ahh has to be Kurt Cobain, love that man!

Favourite channel: Kerrang, Q and mtv rock channels

Favourite artist live: You me at six!

how often do you listen to music? every day nearly all day ahah!

Name: Harvey Ryan

Age: 17

What kind of music are you in to?: heavy metal, rock

Where do you live?: Purbrook

Favourite band: Bullet for my valentine

Favourite album: asking Alexandra’s one, ohh i cant remember the name

Pin up: ahaha I don’t really have one

Favourite clothing line: converse and my band tops

Favourite website: I don’t really have one, ohhh ticket sell sites to see all the gigs coming up

Typical Outfit: skinny jeans, black top, black converses, hoodie

Hair style: long black, sweep fringe ahah

What do you study at college?: business, English lit, and film studies

Where do you hang out: local park or studio

Favourite instrument: drums

Favourite colours: black and white probs ohh and grey

What magazines do you tend to read? i dont often but when I do Kerrang

Biggest music inspiration: urm ohh i danno

Favourite channel: rock mtv I think it’s called

Favourite artist live: red hot chilli peppers

How often do you listen to music? Every day!

Evaluation: Question 4

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute you media magazine and why?

I few reasons why I would want IPC to distribute may music magazine. They have published magazines to do with music before like men and music and NME, guitar and bass.  I would want IPC media to publish my magazine, this would be because looking at the music magazine they have produced in the future for example NME these are the target audience that also would be looking at my magazine. Also IPC is one of the most know distributers in the UK statistics say that 26million adults have read a magazine by IPC, which means by using them I know that they would publish my magazine well. There magazines vary in prices but a lot of the time they are pretty cheap this is because such a large company they are able to handle their money well, and advertise my magazine. They also sell over 350 million copies a year of their magazines each year. The methods of distribution I would want from IPC are firstly using the most common and normal way is in newsagents and supermarkets as this is where most people buy magazines, by having physical copies there makes it people to decide which magazine to buy as they can pick them up see what’s in the magazine have a flick through, I would put it lots of shops like local shops e.g. One Stop, Co-Op or WHSmith and then as well large supermarkets Asda, Morrison’s, Tesco and Sainsbury’s. This will be easier to reach all of my target audience. Shops full of large chains so by some shop distributing them means they could be all over the country this will make sure that many people will get a change or seeing and buying them. There is also a couple of other ways I would like to distribute my magazine is buy subscribing so they come through the post ever week with out having to go to the shop, as being a young person I know we are pretty lazy so by bring the magazine to them  this is a very effect way. Also I would like to put my magazine on the internet and iTunes this enables people to read it online and also be able to buy it and down load it to their phones, iPads, iPod ect ect. This suits the young generation very well, because there always on technology and want to know the most recent things going on as well a lot of people especially young people spend their time on the internet which makes it very modern and something my young audience would be interested in.  On the other hand by having it in shops  and on the internet could attract a wider audience, a different type of audience that maybe I would of originally guessed to like my magazine but in the end they do so I would be expanding my audience. I also think there is a gap in the market for a magazine like this its quite different to other magazine as Q is a little in to rock but a lot in to the mainstream stuff and NME is aimed at men, then there’s Kerrang which is very heavy metal and rock also Mojo which is about magazine that just seems to be aimed for men. My magazine is quite rocky but quite indie and acoustic folk, singer/songwriter too, and I haven’t see any other magazine which are like that that’s why I think there is a good gap in the market for my magazine. As research I also looked at other distribution companies if I wanted them to produce my magazine. Bauer publishes other music magazines such a Q, MoJo and Kerrang. All there are very popular magazines in the music industry. This is a large German publishing company, which has operated in 15 countries.  Here is the IPC website, it is just a link to where i found out some of my infomation

Evaluation: Question 2

Evaluation: Question 1

Word Work File L_1 Media Question 1

Sunday 18 March 2012


Final Double Page Spread

This is my final double page music magazine spread. Firstly i chose this image because it had a nice about of space at the top for a title to fit in there so i have more room for the writing, i again used the the same font and i used the same colour too now as well so it all mached i wanted it all to look like it came from the same magazine because that is what makes it look very proffetioal. I put in two quotes one in orange the same colour as the writing under her name in the fron cover, and the other one i a bright pink so that it goes with her lip stick that she is wearing. I choose thses quote because they sounded good, and worked well on there own and they dont need the rest of the writing to make sence. I edited the photo a little bit on photo shop just to make it brighter and the colours more vibrant by increasing the contrast. At first i had the page with the writing on white but it didnt look like it fit and looked very odd and i needed it to work, i tried many different colours, but in the i went for the same coulor as the photo but even still this is was hard because the photo as a gradent in so the botom is lighter than the top, but i have kind of found it its not perfect but its look okay. Once i put all my writing in iit didnt all fit so  ihave to go through it and take parts aways that i didnt think i needed then i put it in the coloums, added the bold parts for the questions and added a drop cap. i chose the image because its fun and she look like she is enjoying her self and thats what i want to give off with my magazine. A page number was put in at the end, i chose the the black red and white colour sheame of the magagzine and the same font and style as the contents anf front page of the magaizne.


Second week on double page spread

This is the second week that i am working on my double page spread, during the week i wrote my articale what i was going to put in it, i wrote about her back round informations and then i moved on to a question and answer there is a number of questions that i have wrote and will compleate during the week. afyter that i am going to make sure there is no spelling mistakes and that it all fits on the page. i didnt do much more on my articale except deciding that i didnt want to use that photo any more anfd i have edited a few to come to a desicion on what one to use.


Start Of Double Page Spread

I have now finished both my front cover and my contents page so all i have left to do now is this my double page spread. I started by chooseing a photo i think would good taking over a whole page, i tryed a few but at the moment i think this one looks best. secondly i put the title in i have used the same font on the front page and the contents, i did this because its like her trade mark something that you can reconise its her throughout the magazine. I am still creating my magazine on iDesign as i think its the best program to do it on and which will produce the best results. In the past i have looked through music magazines, but mostly Q magazines and some of the articals in there was a bold like paragraph at the begging as a little introduction so i did that. there was also a drop captial, colloms to put the writing in, quotes, different coloured text boxes, question and aswers in bold and badge like text boxes so i think i will try so of them on my magaizne artical next.