Tuesday 3 January 2012

Music Magazine Cover Ideas

Research: Photos in the front cover

These are covers from the internet, they are all types of magazine that mine is based on. i have chosen one that have a single girls on them in different types of positions to help my 'model' that i'm using for the front cover of my magazine. some of them are full face shoots other that are there whole body, but i have decided that i didn't what to use that shoot because because most rock/indie magazines the look that i'm going for doesn't have many full body shots, also i have decided not to use because it looks to main stream and pop to be in a rock magazine. All the other positions and styles that i wanted to got for because for a indie/rock female artist look quite good because they look mysterious that there is more to a person that what you see on the out side and in this case it is the photo. for this 'photo shoot'  i did to get the photos for my music magazine, i asked her to pose in lots of different ways i tried using air to blow the hair like the top middle one like adele, trying to lots of movements with her hands because from my research, that what most of the female artists are doing. When i was taking the photo i had to take in to consideration that it was a front cover image, so them it had to have a space at the top and enough space round the edge for all the sub-headings. I asked my friend to were make but very natural as the artist i wanted her to be like is a indie rock guitarist singer that has attitude but also has a soft style to her too. I like the middle photo of 'Mia' but thats not the kind of artist that i wanted so i didn't to energetic. 

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