Tuesday 24 January 2012

24/01/12 - Contents Page

Creating My Contents Page

This is the third week of creating my music magazine, i finished my front cover last week so i though i would carry on with my contents page, i have put 11 original photos that i have taken myself at different occasions. to the left side there  is all the titles that is going to go on there, and to the right side of the page is the number that is going to go on there next to my subheading of what is in the magazine. I wanted to put unplugged on the to make sure that my front cover and contents page look this they match that my i want for the colours black with and red as well as there the colours i used i want to keep the theme through out my whole magazine. i wanted the word 'contents' to stand out. i put the tag line in there too to keep it related to my magazine. i decided to but numbers in the pictures because when i  read magazines i like that because when you see a picture that you like you want to o to the article and read it so that i way i did it, all  so i saw that Q magazine did it too, and with my magazine being partly based on these i thought it was a good idea.


Continuing On With My Music Magazine

This is my second week on creating my music magazine, i have finally finished my front cover which i am pleased on. i think it look good and pretty professional. i have added a spot colour circle which has the issue number and the price i want to make this noticeable so i put it in a bold colour. i then added another heading to the left this wasn't as important as some others so i used the same font as the title and choose the same colour as her cardigan as i wanted the whole front cover to match and join together. at the bottom all magazine have a bar so i put that it trying to make it as realistic as possible. the last bit i did to the magazine cover was her name, i had a little trouble with this as i didn't know what colour to put is as that wont look tacky but will go with the colour theme, i went for a pale yellow because its bright easy to see, stands out and looks good and contrasts against her cardigan, and the heading i put as Orange as its not as as bright but you can still tell its goes with it.

Proposal for My Music Magazine

Magazine Proposal

This is what i'm going to defiantly do for my music magazine, this is going to explain how and what i want my magazine to look like and contain.

  • Aim, genre: I am going to aim my magazine at young people so between the ages of 15-30 so yeah its a quite a wide age range but the music thats in my magazine Indie, Pop, Rock, Modern in the charts music too. But this type of music all ages listen to so why no have a magazine that those people can listen too. I dont think there is any specific gender i want it to be for men and women. 
  • Title: The titles i was looking at are indiesider, ICON, unplugged, definition, M:BS (Music:Band&Singers), RockVibes, PockMag, Break Away.
  • Font: I have looked at a selection of font that i think would be suitable for my magazine.
  • Tage line: not your everyday music...
  • Images: The images that i have thought about taking are 1) Of one medium close up of a female singer. 2) A boy rock band with there interments 3) A small girl band 4)  Female pop group 5) Full body shot of a male with a guitar. And for my article i want to take a selection of images some from the front cover shoot, and some others from gigs and friends for my contents page, finally i have choosen a median close up of a female that is going to be a singer.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

10/1/11 Front Cover Continued

Front Cover, Making My Front Cover Of My Music Magazine 

This is my first week on creating my music magazine, i choose my title and went through all the different font to see what one i liked the most i came to this one and i thought it fit it perfectly, but it still felt like something was missing so i looked on the internet and found a image of a plug and some writing, so i cropped it and changed it to black and added it to the 'U' on unplugged as i thought thats where it looked best. i needed a tag line to go with it and i'm not in to mainstream music so '... not you everyday music' would go well with the whole indie/rock music of the magazine. i decided to choose this photo of my friend because it fits a magazine it has a large space at the top for the title, her head is in the middle which saves space for all the sub headings to go around it, i had edit the photo on photo shop as i already knew how to do i increased the contract to make the colours stronger, touched up her face to make it flawles like all the magazines have it. 

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Music Magazine: Contents Photos

Contents Page Photos

http://www.flickr.com/photos/73448441@N06/sets/ These are a set of photos that i have collected from a selection of gigs i have been to, as well there is a couple of photos that i have taken of my friend a while ago i choose these because they are very related to music because she has head phones on which she that she is listen and likes music, it could advertise a silent disco too which is very popular these day at festivals ect. There is also more where she is posing with rock fingers that gives it a very rock gig vibe to it. The photo above is just one of the photo i have taken that i want to use for my magazine in the contents page, its of Kids In Glass Houses at southampton hall. 

Music Magazine Cover Ideas

Research: Photos in the front cover

These are covers from the internet, they are all types of magazine that mine is based on. i have chosen one that have a single girls on them in different types of positions to help my 'model' that i'm using for the front cover of my magazine. some of them are full face shoots other that are there whole body, but i have decided that i didn't what to use that shoot because because most rock/indie magazines the look that i'm going for doesn't have many full body shots, also i have decided not to use because it looks to main stream and pop to be in a rock magazine. All the other positions and styles that i wanted to got for because for a indie/rock female artist look quite good because they look mysterious that there is more to a person that what you see on the out side and in this case it is the photo. for this 'photo shoot'  i did to get the photos for my music magazine, i asked her to pose in lots of different ways i tried using air to blow the hair like the top middle one like adele, trying to lots of movements with her hands because from my research, that what most of the female artists are doing. When i was taking the photo i had to take in to consideration that it was a front cover image, so them it had to have a space at the top and enough space round the edge for all the sub-headings. I asked my friend to were make but very natural as the artist i wanted her to be like is a indie rock guitarist singer that has attitude but also has a soft style to her too. I like the middle photo of 'Mia' but thats not the kind of artist that i wanted so i didn't to energetic.