Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 7

Again the embeded code hasnt worked as here is the link as well

Evaluation: Question 7

Thursday 29 March 2012

Questionaire Market Research

This is the questionaire i made to give out to some of my target audience.

The results i got back were

These are just a few exaples of the questionaires i got...

Evauation: Question 6

Question 6: What have i learnt about technologies from the process of constructing a product?

Firstly for this question i have created a video that i have already blogged, this is is a breif out line of all the different types of technonloy i used. Secondly the video above it one of the first clips i wached about indesign this help me a lot just about the simple tools and the backround of indesign, and i would recomend anyone who hasnt used this program before to have a look.

Above is just a selection of programs that i have used to help me create the blog i have now. That have widen my knowledge of lots of technology's used at home and in the professional world of the magazine industry too. i have realised i didn't know much about all this and i didn't know about all the programs available. I don't often us apple mac expect when i go round my friend house this this was all new for me, but i like it its a new experience and i enjoined it and i think i would like to use this soft where again. Obviously i did have limited knowledge for example i already knew how to use photo shop as i do photography in college and i already knew from past experiences, word and excel i knew how to use as its quite basic programs. I knew what to do with you tube as well as i surf the net a lot, and its also something a lot of people know how to use these days.
Idesign i used this to layout my music magazine and college magazine too. I like this program for laying out photos and text, for me it took a while to get used to but its very similar to macro media fire work that i know how to use so i picked it up pretty quickly. you had to put everything on box's so that was normally the first things i did when creating the magazine layouts. then i just placed what i needed in there.a new website that i have never used before is prezi, unfortunately i could get the hang of it quickly enough for the time limit i had so i didn't use it for this project but i would like to use it for my next one as it seems like a good, different, and unique presenting soft where. I use flickr to present all my photos i took for my magazine as it just like a photo album and there all together which is very handy and useful. I have use slide share and slide rocket in my evaluation as i found they where the most easiest and reliable source of presenting PowerPoint there are also easy to read and they have embed well on this blog. i enjoyed using photo shop as like i said before i already knew what to do, i used the spot heal tool a lot on my model photos that i used on my music magazine this was because i knew they would look better as an end result and also for my research i knew that in the magazine industry they do that to to make there magazine look is good as they can possibly be. on my photos i also adjusted the brightness, contrast and shadows as this made them more brighter and vibrant which suits my magazine as its quite colourful. Scribd this i was a website that i used to upload documents, this was a nice and easy to use. i worked well with word documents, but when i tried to upload my excel spreed sheet it doesn't look good and its hard to understand, so i would use this again but only to upload word documents.

These photo are the before and after i edited them on photo shop.

Evaluation: Question 5

These are two videos that i have choosen because these are the type of artist, video and song that they would listen to.

Evaluation: Question 6

This is a video that i have filmed about all the technology that i have used in creating this blog.
