Tuesday 1 November 2011

IPC Case Study: Questions

Case Study

  • What type of magazine and target audience has IPC been associated with over the years?
IPC magazine are aimed at a mass market as all there magazines are for different people and they all have different themes, because they range rom music to men to horse riding to fashion. but each indervidual magazine has a target market.

  • Why might IPC be an appropriate publisher for a new music magazine?
IPc will be appropriate to publish a new music magazine because they have the experence as they have own and make loads of magazines, they know what a magzine needs and what intrests readers they are very diverse instituion. IPC are a up to date company so they know whats going on in the music industry which mean they would know about all the top relese that month and new musitions and bands. they are most well know for there music and fashion magazines so i think IPC would be expeccially good with thoses areas but also any other areas to as they have so many magzine is didernt types of themes.

  • What sorts of genres of music/types of magazines might they be likely to publish?

There are a main music magazine that IPC produce, which is this magazine NME. the type of music NME have in there magazine is Rock/ Indie that is quite main stream, the target audience is young boys and men to because they  used to read it when they were a student and it still  has the music that they listen to. there is a large audience for rock and i think why that is there main music genre, but they also add different types of music ta attract different types of people they normal add music like hip hop, pop, modern popular music. 


  • Why might alternative publishers like bauer be appropriate? 

    Bauer sell magazines cheaper than IPC so this would attract a different audience people that dont want to spend lots on magazines. Bauer i think are better at selling reallife magazines film, tv or puzzle where as on the other hand IPC sell more music, fashion and sports. Bauer audience is aimed more at young people, radio stations and tv channels than IPC. as Bauer is a neiche audience i think they could publish lots of different music genres magazine that would all sell because of the audience, how popular music is and the music magazine on the past like 'Q' and 'The Rolling Stones'.


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