Tuesday 8 November 2011

Preliminary Task: Brief

College Magazine 

My magazine is a student south downs college magazine. it is aimed at college students to know whats going on round the college and articles related to there subjects and interesting things to know in or out of college, i want to create a magazine the students will actually read and find interesting.

My cover lines will be lines like: ' Moving to uni, living alone' 'Exam tips to help you pass' 'Getting your coursework done on time' 'Quick and easy meals for under a fiver' these are so problems and dilemmas that students go through in there young life, so why not have a magazine that helps them with that. the name i have chosen to give my magazine is 'SDC lifestyle' because this is a student male and female student lifestyle magazine that will help them with situations in a young adults life. Other names i was going to choose was 'college' but i thought that was boring and could be for any college when i wanted my magazine to be south downs students because i go there and this is the college i know about. 'south downs times' was another name i was going to choose but it sounds to much like a new paper and not many young people read newspapers where as magazine i know that a lot of young people read them because they interest them.
i have looked on word to see if there is any fonts i like, i found a few but i haven't found any thing i definatly want to use because i haven't downloaded any yet or look on the apple indesign. the first one i liked i just wasn't sure on the little marks on it, it looks like a magazine font i'm just not sure it suitable for my magazine. the second one i decided to look at because it looked hand written but i don't think i'm going to use it because it look to school like an i know coming to college i don't want to be back at school so having something like that in my magazine may not appeal to everyone, as i don't want it just to be a magazine about learning i want it to be a magazine about other stuff like student problems outside college too as college help and supports students. the third one i liked a lot i just not sure a scruffy notebook magazine is the theme i was going for i think i want a nice neat sophisticated magazine. the last one out of all of the ones i looked at was my favorite because it bold, simple and eye catching.

The tag lines i was thinking for my student magazine are 'south downs college, the life a a student' or south downs college, to help you make the most out of college life' those where the two i came up with but i am going to ask people opinion on them to see what they think about them because as my magazine is for all students i want to see and put in this magazine what they want in there and what they want to read. i'm not sure if they sound cheesy or not so asking people will help with resolving that. 
The time that i think i want to make and releases are seasonally so four times a year every three months.  because that means people wont get bored of it and it can relate to the holidays that are going on at the time. it gives time for it to be wrote and published. other reasons are then that it can be quite long with lots of different sections in and better quality. 

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