Tuesday 18 October 2011

Teen Magazines: Are they suitable?

To what extent should magazines be held responsible for the social ramifications of the representations they offer?

I think magazine should be responsible of what they publish in there magazine and it should be suitable for the age range, which in the teenage girls magazine is 10-15 year olds. There was a study done by 'The Sunday Telegraph' about how lots of teenage magazines certain sexually explicit material that may cross the industry's editorial code. Girls are being signalised in so many ways most of them the media, with games, TV, films, magazines, fashion and other industries. these are a few heading and title you get in teen magazines; Bliss: 'boosting you dating rating', 'vodka made her nightmare' and ;his secret snog thoughts' other magazine also had the same type of titles like Shout: 'hot lad issue' 'make him date you' + Sugar: 'new dress new boobs' been kissed been dissed''make him fancy you' 'never have another bad snog' These are just a few line in teenage girls magazines. I have been looking it lots of teen magazine to see what is in there and I saw lots of images of topless men and men with only a object covering there bits I would expect think in a older women's magazine not a young teenage girls magazine. I also magazine have website so I thought I would look on there and i find competitions 'on how pretty you are?' where girl can post pictures of them self and get voted, girls don't have much self confidence as it is so having competitions like these are probably not making girls feel very good about their self and are not teenage girls magazine meant to do the opposite and boost their confidence and make them feel better about them self's. I read lots of teen magazines for this research and found that it feels like there is nothing to life except always looking good and pulling the hottest guys, many photos I found are not cute and girly but instead very provocative and are wearing very sexy girls clothes that I would to be found in men's magazines. Has the meaning of sexy changed? What does the word sexy mean to young girls? Is sexy different to what the writers of the magazine different to the girls of 10 to 15 years old? teenagers girls are wearing clothes that I would never thought I would see being worn on young girls, when I was little I loved dressing up in my mum’s clothes and wearing lots of pink and Barbie girly clothes, but now in magazine and on the streets I see young girls wear low tops, bras on show, short skimpy skirts, shorts and dresses and wearing leather and high heels. is the media and magazines distorting what beauty means? so in conclusion yes i think the magazine companies are responsible for what they put in there magazines.
I found this video about 'Young Girls fashion' http://www.videojug.com/film/hot-fashion-trends-for-young-girls this first video is how i would expect young girls to dress.  
And theses are the website that help me decide what i think about this subject.

1 comment:

  1. This is well written and shows you understand the topic. Try to make your posts more interactive with the inclusion of images were possible. Try to also include more media for example like the slideshare on your other post.
