Tuesday 29 November 2011

Music Magazine: Research and Planning

Music Magazine: Research and Planning, Music Genre: What type of music am i going to have in my magazine?

This is Q magazine the magazine that i am using as my base for my music magazine. this is the type of music magazine that i read so that why i want to create a magazine like this. i am in to pop rock music and this magazine genre is pop rock so it would make sense to create a magazine like it. This image below is of a front cover on Q magazine that i have annotated.
There is a collection of music magazine magazines that i know about ii read a few of them like Kerrang and NME but i haven't read the others but i have read reviews about them. the type of music genre that these magazine are about are rock, old rock so 60/70/80's. There is pop and heavy metal these magazine are all main stream that all include artists that are in the charts and a lot of people have heard of. The media i a great way to publish music and get people listening to it. Q magazine and lots f other music magazine has many different sources of media that will help the music they talk about in there magazine advertised for example Q magazine has a radio station, they have a music TV channel, obviously a magazine they produce CD's that they sell and give out free with they magazines that have a selection of there favorite artists. they also are on the social networking and have a twitter account and Facebook account that they use for advertising and marketing and telling people about what there doing as a magazine company. Q magazine have a apple app that can be used on ipod touches, iphones, and ipads. 

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Preliminary Task: Contents Page 22/11/11

Final Contents Design 

This is my final contents page, i have tried to make it as similar to my front cover as possible so i used the same font in the title and logo. And for the contents info i used again the same font as the sub-headings. i used the same titles in the contents and added some more so the similar and look like they come from the same magazine, which i think i have achieved. I went out and took a selection on photos round south downs college so i think they look all kind of same feel to them, some of them i ask the people in the photo to do that but others i try to make it feel natural as if they were all ready doing that. i again has added the south downs college logo to it to make sure they that is what my college magazine is representing.  i have used the aqua blue to the colour scheme because i didn't what the magazine to look to girly with all the pink font so by changing it the a blue colour i hoping that it will apply to both audiences girls and boys. 
learnt a lot with this Preliminary Task that we had to do before our final music magazine because i was new to using In Design on apple macs, so i didn't know much about it obviously there was buttons that your could work out to used but most of the things our teacher taught us and it just so happens that most of out class hadn't used In Design either. the are a few techniques i learnt like how to put text in a box and change the colour, font and size, to add and edit photos and also spin them to to give it an effect. i learnt to do lots of other things too on In Design but there just little bit the for me will help improve the final look of my work. What Of what you have learnt can you bring to your music magazine? well i think a lot of the techniques and little tricks i can use to make my music look really good, my target for my music magazine is to make it look like it can be in the shop shelf's and to make it look professional and not like it has been made at college.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Preliminary Task: Front Cover 15/11/11

Preliminary Task: Front Cover, Continued 

This is my final cover of my student magazine, i am happy with it as i think it looks i little bit like a real magazine that would be in colleges. i have use the pink, black and white colour theme as i think it stands out from the black and white photo. i have added the south downs college logo at the bottom so it is nice and clear that this magazine is representing the college. at the bottom right there is the issue number and date so the people reading know when it is and that it is up to date. i have the large main heading is in big clear white and pink. It says 'MOVING TO UNI New Friends New City New Experience' i made this my main heading because the audience which is the college students can relate to it and may need advice about uni and it is a big change from college and a whole new environment so i what this magazine to help them, and college second year students will be thinking and choosing there uni so i am hoping that this information will help them. but overall i am pleased with my final front cover. 
Underneath is my contents flat plan its it just a brief plan on what i want to put in my contents and how everything is going to be place. i think i can be creative in my contents as it doesn't have a certain criteria like the front cover. i choose to have a selection of four college related images. i large title i want to have at the top, i want there to be a continuos theme through out the whole magazine so it looks complete. the content of the contents will be on the right. Also i have decided to advertise an offer because i am hope that it will grab peoples attention and that they will want to read it more if they get discount of something. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Preliminary Task: Front Cover

Starting The College Magazine: SDC LIFESTYLE

This is what i did today, i started on my college magazine on InDesign, we got taught how to do the simple stuff in this program as many of us had not of used it before. I chose this picture because there is enough room at the top for the masthead. I have added a tag line and cover lines, in the font of Thonburi because it was similar to the masthead font which was Confortaa. Then secondly for my masthead i used a bright hot pink as it is bight and noticeable then i added the bottom shadow to make it noticeable. i added the South Downs logo on to it because i thought that was important as i am representing south downs college with my magazine. i learnt to use lots of different tools on InDesign this program is pretty similar to Paint. Macromedia fireworks and Photoshop so i got the hang on it quickly, i enjoy using it and all the different tools. To the left the is the tool bar used a lot to change to the  colours of texts, to move objects. You can cut pictures out, add the photos to the back round and fill the page.

Preliminary Task: Brief

College Magazine 

My magazine is a student south downs college magazine. it is aimed at college students to know whats going on round the college and articles related to there subjects and interesting things to know in or out of college, i want to create a magazine the students will actually read and find interesting.

My cover lines will be lines like: ' Moving to uni, living alone' 'Exam tips to help you pass' 'Getting your coursework done on time' 'Quick and easy meals for under a fiver' these are so problems and dilemmas that students go through in there young life, so why not have a magazine that helps them with that. the name i have chosen to give my magazine is 'SDC lifestyle' because this is a student male and female student lifestyle magazine that will help them with situations in a young adults life. Other names i was going to choose was 'college' but i thought that was boring and could be for any college when i wanted my magazine to be south downs students because i go there and this is the college i know about. 'south downs times' was another name i was going to choose but it sounds to much like a new paper and not many young people read newspapers where as magazine i know that a lot of young people read them because they interest them.
i have looked on word to see if there is any fonts i like, i found a few but i haven't found any thing i definatly want to use because i haven't downloaded any yet or look on the apple indesign. the first one i liked i just wasn't sure on the little marks on it, it looks like a magazine font i'm just not sure it suitable for my magazine. the second one i decided to look at because it looked hand written but i don't think i'm going to use it because it look to school like an i know coming to college i don't want to be back at school so having something like that in my magazine may not appeal to everyone, as i don't want it just to be a magazine about learning i want it to be a magazine about other stuff like student problems outside college too as college help and supports students. the third one i liked a lot i just not sure a scruffy notebook magazine is the theme i was going for i think i want a nice neat sophisticated magazine. the last one out of all of the ones i looked at was my favorite because it bold, simple and eye catching.

The tag lines i was thinking for my student magazine are 'south downs college, the life a a student' or south downs college, to help you make the most out of college life' those where the two i came up with but i am going to ask people opinion on them to see what they think about them because as my magazine is for all students i want to see and put in this magazine what they want in there and what they want to read. i'm not sure if they sound cheesy or not so asking people will help with resolving that. 
The time that i think i want to make and releases are seasonally so four times a year every three months.  because that means people wont get bored of it and it can relate to the holidays that are going on at the time. it gives time for it to be wrote and published. other reasons are then that it can be quite long with lots of different sections in and better quality. 

Tuesday 1 November 2011

IPC Case Study: Questions

Case Study

  • What type of magazine and target audience has IPC been associated with over the years?
IPC magazine are aimed at a mass market as all there magazines are for different people and they all have different themes, because they range rom music to men to horse riding to fashion. but each indervidual magazine has a target market.

  • Why might IPC be an appropriate publisher for a new music magazine?
IPc will be appropriate to publish a new music magazine because they have the experence as they have own and make loads of magazines, they know what a magzine needs and what intrests readers they are very diverse instituion. IPC are a up to date company so they know whats going on in the music industry which mean they would know about all the top relese that month and new musitions and bands. they are most well know for there music and fashion magazines so i think IPC would be expeccially good with thoses areas but also any other areas to as they have so many magzine is didernt types of themes.

  • What sorts of genres of music/types of magazines might they be likely to publish?

There are a main music magazine that IPC produce, which is this magazine NME. the type of music NME have in there magazine is Rock/ Indie that is quite main stream, the target audience is young boys and men to because they  used to read it when they were a student and it still  has the music that they listen to. there is a large audience for rock and i think why that is there main music genre, but they also add different types of music ta attract different types of people they normal add music like hip hop, pop, modern popular music. 


  • Why might alternative publishers like bauer be appropriate? 

    Bauer sell magazines cheaper than IPC so this would attract a different audience people that dont want to spend lots on magazines. Bauer i think are better at selling reallife magazines film, tv or puzzle where as on the other hand IPC sell more music, fashion and sports. Bauer audience is aimed more at young people, radio stations and tv channels than IPC. as Bauer is a neiche audience i think they could publish lots of different music genres magazine that would all sell because of the audience, how popular music is and the music magazine on the past like 'Q' and 'The Rolling Stones'.