Tuesday 27 September 2011

Terminology: Magazine Cover Design

Glossary of terms: Magazine Cover

Here is a word document of just some conventions of a magazine cover:

Not all the magazine terminology are on that magazine so here are some more:

  • Putting different and more celebs: on the front cover to get people to read it, lots of people are interested in celebrities life so the more celebs that in in the magazine the more people are going to read especially if they like the celebs.
  • Iconic artist: by putting iconic music artists on there people how are interested about music are going to read it because then you get all types of celebs that everyones like you need different genres to. 
  • Pullout: so you can see what you et free with the magazine may it be a poster or a free gift, all drawing in the buyers. 
  • Design: can be a big box at the bottom that shows and exclusive interview or story, they normally are full of bold different colours as well as it offers 'lots more' something out of the ordinary magazine. 
  • Cover lines: can be all different for the types of stories , they are normally distributed around the main image round the edge with out distracting you from the main image.
  • Dateline: has the date, issue, and normal price of the magazine, monthly magazine normal are in stands a month before they are issued.
  • Selling line: is normal a short sharp description, of the magazine main marketing point (a little slogan).

How i think blogger will be useful in my coursework

Why i think blogger with be useful in my course work

I think blogger will be useful with my media course work in many ways. Media is surrounded by gadgets and on the web so that's my first reason, by doing all our work on the internet we can get used to how things work in the media world. Another reason why I think blogger is a great idea is as being a youth and teenager I use a lot of social networking websites which is very similar to this, so I can relate to this website almost as a social networking for coursework. I like this as well because at school a lot of work is done on paper and was being marked that way so it's nice to find different ways of doing your work and presenting it. Another good thing about blogger is that you can edit your posts at any time to change then or improve them. You can access blogger anytime, which will be very useful to me as then when ever i have any free time i can just get on with my coursework. I looked at this website http://wikieducator.org/How_to_use_Blogger to find out why other people like bogger.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Things you can do with Blogger

Getting started with blogger:
This is what i did >>
- Firstly i create a blogger.com account and decided a name for my account.
- Next i designed my page with different layouts, colours and texts.
- After that I watched a video on YouTube that was my first blog that helped and taught me how to used blogger.com as I have never used it before and it is my first time.

Things you can do with blogger:
Research >>
- Then i went on http://www.blogger.com/tour_start.g < this website from blogger that tell you all about blogger and what i can do with it and these are the things i found out that its to express your thoughts and ideas, to express feeling on different subjects, you could use it as a diary. There is more to blogger than that you can connect with your friends and anyone that reads your work they can make comments on what they think about it. You can design blogger to make it personal to you the design of it can reflect your personality. Sharing, not just information you can share links, videos, photos to show exactly what your trying to say. blogger can be with you all the time to you can have it on your mobile phone and blog on the go. There are many good things about blogger its free and safe.

Research and Planning Task 1

This is a video from YouTube showing you how to use the website Blogger.